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NEER notes

The art, craft, philosophy and business of filmmaking and advertising.

Articles both from our family of talent as well as other professionals in the field.

“Conscious Lighting” - Workshop for Cinematographers

“Conscious Lighting” - Workshop for Cinematographers


Question:  What is “Conscious Lighting” - what will this workshop offer to cinematographers?

During the pandemic, I did an eight-week virtual workshop. It was sponsored by Tribe 7 and Velvet Lighting. We were able to give scholarships to 10 female cinematographers. In the workshop, I shared a method that I have developed myself over many years. 

I call this: “Conscious Lighting.” It means, one needs to understand their relationship with light. Only then, can they design lighting on a film set. Every individual has a relationship with light. Most are not conscious of it. But, that relationship informs the way they approach lighting. 

I started teaching “Conscious Lighting” in Mexico and the Czech Republic. I also taught it in the ASC Masterclass. Now, I think it is time for this knowledge to be available for more people. 

“I worked my way up the ranks through apprenticeship. I learned through observing, and that is what I can give back. And, my next offering is, “Conscious Lighting.”

We have created an Artist Collective called Cinematographers Anónimos. Participants from the workshop automatically join the collective. We help each other on many levels. It is a form of support, and it keeps a connection. 

It is important that we share what we have learned, especially that which has been freely given to us. One of those gems is: experience. Experience is something you can get only after you go through it. I am not a theoretical person. I am a hands-on person, a self-taught cinematographer. I worked my way up the ranks through apprenticeship. I learned through observing, and that is what I can give back. And, my next offering is, “Conscious Lighting.” 

S1NGULAR - A Retro-psycho Thriller by Ramon J. Goni

S1NGULAR - A Retro-psycho Thriller by Ramon J. Goni

How an Athlete became a Cinematographer: Maddy Talias

How an Athlete became a Cinematographer: Maddy Talias